We got to meet a lot of authors while we were at CPE. Some of them we met at the Meet and Greet Monday evening (pictured below) and some of them were in the various booths on the showroom floor.

Book titles are links to a store to purchase the book (most lead to Christian Book and all are affiliate links) and the authors’ names lead to their personal or ministry websites. A few of these books were being promoted prelease and will be released over the next month or two. We did receive review copies of a few of them and I will link this post to those reviews as I get them up over the next several months.

Experience Biblical Evangelism Workbook by Margaret Adjoga-Ota. This workbook was written to equip believers to be a witness that wins souls and better understand what evangelism is. Usable for group or personal Bible study it is divided into 8 chapters. Each chapter has a review that includes a summary of the chapter theme, a variety of questions (some of the answers are in the back), and suggested prayers and actions to take to put the chapter into practice in your own life.

The Jesus Dare by Jay Payleitner. This book challenges the reader with the question – What if Jesus is who He says He is? An easy-to-read book with numerous short chapters it’s designed to draw the curious to God. It could be a useful outreach tool or a way for wavering Christians to strengthen their faith.

Prepare for the Harvest by Pamela Christian. We live in an age with a high level of hostility and violence. Many respond with fear, denial, or a longing to escape and many people wonder if we are in the Last Days. This book is written to reassure Christians that they still have hope and victory in the promises of God and to prepare them to bring people to God using these troubling times by offering the same hope they possess.

The Complete Guide to the Prayers of Jesus by Janet Holm McHenry. Prayer was an important part of Jesus’s life and of the example he set for us. Many people are familiar with The Lord’s Prayer but over a dozen more of his prayers are recorded in the Bible. Janet walks us through these various prayers and Jesus’s teachings on prayer to help us develop a stronger and Scripture-based prayer life.

Find Yourself First by Adriana Ferreira.  We live in a world of opportunities. But the success, relationships, acquired goods, or even works of service don’t give us lasting fulfillment. We need to the love of God and to love him back. This short seven-day devotional helps us find and love ourselves by examining what about each of us God loves.

Bible and Breakfast: 31 Morning with Jesus by Asheritah Ciuciu. This book was designed to help you start your day off right by weaving intentional Bible time and a delicious breakfast into your daily routine. 31 days of new recipes (many of them gluten-free, dairy-free, and quick to fix) to get you in the habit of feeding your (and your family’s) body well. And more importantly, 31 days of devotions to help you feed your soul, that have quick “snacks” for hectic days and longer “feasts” that invite you to respond to what you’ve read as often as you have time.

Extreme Devotion and Hearts of Fire by The Voice of the Martyrs. Okay, this isn’t the author of these two books but a representative of Voice of The Martyrs who compiled these two books. Extreme Devotion is a 365-day devotional that focuses on many men and women through history that were totally sold out for Christ. It’s designed to strengthen your faith and encourage you to be more extreme for Christ. Hearts of Fire is the stories of eight different women in underground churches that have risked (and sometimes given) everything to share the Word of God with others.

A Bruised Reed by Becky Yates Spencer. This book is memoirs of African orphans and their rescuers. It tells the true stories of many children living in neglect and abuse in Swaziland, Africa. It also tells the story of what has been done to rescue as many as possible and what more needs to be done and what the reader can do to help.

Blood, Sweat, and Bricks: Building Your Leadership Foundation by Terrie L Glass. This book offers straightforward insights for developing yourself into a more effective leader. It includes issues that are rarely discussed in training classes or through conventional leadership books that can hold us back as leaders. Terrie hopes to teach and encourage newly promoted staff members, managers who want to move to the next level, and experienced leaders mentoring others.

No Limits: Embracing the Miraculous by Donna Sparks. God is a miracle-working God. He was in the past and he still is today. Using modern-day testimonies and backing them up with Scriptural truths Donna hopes to encourage everyone to receive their own miracles. Then to share with others that we serve a God with no limits.

The Freedom Challenge by Dawn Scott Damon. Dawn’s life was changed by the line of a song “I am who He says I am!” It motivated her to believe what God’s Word says about who she is in Christ and helped her overcome betrayal, abandonment, and deception. In this book, she identifies and confronts eight cord (or issues) that keep many believers bound.

We really enjoyed the chance to get to meet all of these wonderful authors who are so friendly and enthusiastic about their books and what God has shown them.

If you haven’t already you might want to check out our posts about three other authors and their books from CPE: Randy’s Interview with Brian Sanders about the book Leadership Endurance, my Interview with Erica Wiggenhorn about the book Unexplainable Jesus, and Randy’s Interview with Dr. Charles W. Page about A Spoonful of Courage.

And be sure to read CPE Authors and their Books Part 2.