Rose Publishing is well-known for their Bible inserts – those fold-out pamphlets that fit perfectly within the cover of a large Bible and are great for studying a specific topic. Now they have an insert that’s a topical index that provides references on many topics. The Topical Bible Index Bible Insert from Rose Publishing is a full-color booklet that fits inside the cover of large Bibles. It includes over 500 topics that are indexed and easy to read and search. ISBN: 9781628624267.


It has 56 pages printed in thick glossy paper. The overall size is 7 3/4 x 5 1/2 x 1/8″.

If your goal is the place it within the cover, the size is ideal for larger Bibles. Here I’ve placed it within the front of a Cambridge Turquoise.

It doesn’t work as well with a personal size edition. Here I’ve placed it within the cover of the Hendrickson Giant Print Personal Size Reference Bible. You can see it sticks out from the cover. It’s great for carrying with your Bible rather than inside the cover.

I was actually concerned about how thick it is. The Rose inserts that I’ve seen are thin and I have no issues placing them in the cover of a Bible. However, placing something too thick within your cover can damage the cover. At 1/8″ thick I could see wanting to be cautious about placing it within the cover. I recommend carrying along with your Bible in either a case or by sitting it on top of your Bible as you carry it.

Format and Topics

The topics are presented in two columns in bold 11-point print. The topics are printed in regular print and are 10 point. It provides a snippet of the verse, just like a concordance, and then provides the reference. If there are related topics they are printed at the bottom of the list.

Some of the topics include sub-topics. The subtopics are printed in gold. Some topics include a table or chart. These are printed with a yellow background and red border. These include miracles of Jesus, parables of Jesus, names of God, etc.

The edge of the page has an alphabetical index that displays every letter and highlights the letters on that page. The Letter itself is printed over an image that takes up the width of the column.

The topics themselves are very useful for study and just looking up something on the go. They’re easy to find because of the index on the edge of the page and the giant print text. I especially like the tables. They do include some theology, so you’ll want to do your own study of the verses within their proper context.


The Topical Bible Index Bible Insert from Rose Publishing is a handy booklet to carry with you for study and reference. The construction and print quality are outstanding and the topics cover most of everything I’d want to study on the go. I recommend it for anyone wanting a topical index that works for practically any Bible.


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Photography by hannah C brown

HendricksonRose provided this insert free for review. I was not required to give a positive review- only an honest review.