We were recently sent a copy of the Baptism Song by Dennis & Bethany Buettner.

ISBN: 9781986324342


This book is available at (includes some affiliate links)



Barnes & Noble

and you might be able to find it at your local Bible bookstore


The Buettner family provided this book free for review. I was not required to give a positive review, only an honest one. All opinions are my own.


Bethany Buettner has been studying to be an artist since she was 4. Her parents wanted her to work on the creation of children’s books to further her craft. She chose a much-beloved song, her Baptism Song, for her first book. This is the lyrics of a song her father, Dennis, wrote for her and her twin brother Christian’s baptism, which has undoubtedly been sung to her multiple times since then.

A simple song (or poem) about parents promising to take care of their child and always be for there for them. I like that teaching your children about God is included as one of the major ways we take care of them. The picture of Jesus holding the baby across from the third printing of the chorus is a lovely way to point out that, as his children, Jesus made us the same promise.

The illustrations started as sketches by Bethany. The Lord helped them find Mentol in Indonesia to turn those sketches into the beautiful illustrations you find in this book. She became “their best friend on the other side of the world”.

I really like the watercolored artwork. I think most children will be drawn to the bright colors. I love the little details, like seeing the church through the window, and lines from the song as plaques on the walls.

If you want to sing it instead of reading it out loud you can watch a video of the Buettner’s friend Kayla Murphy singing the song on their website www.baptismsong.com. This will give you a simple tune to follow. The video includes the illustrations from the book to go with each verse or chorus.

While those who don’t baptize infants (such as my church and myself) will want to skip the last verse (or sing different words that would be more appropriate for a dedication service) this is still a beautiful poem/song that many parents, grandparents, and other caregivers will enjoy reading, reciting, or singing to the little ones they care about.


Photography by hannah C brown