To help promote the beautifully designed new Comfort Print text Bibles. Thomas Nelson and Zondervan asked Bible Buying Guide to host a giveaway for 6 of their Thinline editions.

We are pleased to announce the winners for the Thinline Comfort Print Bible Giveaway.

The winners are:

Comment 3 –  Dan Landin
Comment 24  – Noah
Comment 80 – Steve Owen
Comment 56 –  Glisell Rivera
Comment 63 –  Robert Vary
Comment 105  –  John C Hendrickson

The winners will be contacted by email shortly and asked to send their shipping addresses. Their choice of Bible will then be sent directly from the publishers.

Thank you to all who entered and thanks again to Zondervan and Thomas Nelson for selecting us to host this giveaway, and for providing 6 Bibles as prizes.

If you would like to learn more about the 3 different Comfort Print texts, and haven’t already, be sure to check out our reviews

or visit