
Another beautiful journaling Bible with red letter arrived today, the Hendrickson KJV Expressions Bible.


Besides this brown embossed (debossed?) hardcover it is also available in plain black or red, yellow, and teal print.


It has a double column, paragraph format and 2″ lined margins. It includes a harmony of the gospels and a few other scripture lists in the back.


The red lettering is a dark rich red and it has an 8 point font. The paper seems to be the standard journaling Bible paper that should be sturdy enough for most applications.

I’m looking forward to working with this Bible (and Randy is buying his own copy). A full review as well as a various art mediums post and a step-by-step using this Bible will be coming soon.


This Bible is available for order (or preorder) at:

Christian Book



and many local Bible bookstores



Photography by hannah C brown