
Logos 6 just officially launched and I have good news for Bible Buying Guide readers. I’ve partnered with Faithlife so that BBG readers can get a 10% discount!

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Below is the official press release:

Just released: Logos 6 to ‘deliver insight’ to Christians across the globe


Faithlife releases Logos 6, the most advanced Bible study software ever.

introducing logos 6

BELLINGHAM, Wash., October 27, 2014 — Faithlife Corporation, makers of Logos Bible Software, just released Logos 6, the world’s most innovative Bible study software. Logos 6 offers a brand-new lineup of tools and resources that empower Christians to study the Bible’s background, explore Greek and Hebrew, visualize the biblical world, and make new and exciting discoveries.


“Logos 6 is all about delivering insight,” said Bob Pritchett, Faithlife president and CEO. “Building on the innovations in Logos 4 and 5, this release offers new Bible study tools and interactive media that aim to dramatically change the way Christians study the Word. Logos 6 will impact pastors, scholars, students and laypeople all over the world.”


For pastors, one of the biggest wins is Logos 6’s ability to help them create better sermons, faster. Innovative tools like Visual Copy and Cultural Concepts equip pastors to create engaging presentations while they study and explore the cultural perspective from which Scripture was written.


“Logos 6 empowers pastors to take back their Fridays,” Pritchett said. “They can make new discoveries and share their findings in fresh and engaging ways — all in a fraction of the time.”


For scholars, tools like Textual Variants and Ancient Literature equip them to do intense academic research with ease — with a click, they can connect Scripture to ancient literature and study the Word side by side with original manuscripts and primary texts. Likewise, students can perform impressive research with new study tools, like Inline Search, Morph Charts and Text Converters.


The layperson will also find everything they need for powerful study: easy-to-use tools like Factbook, Everything Search and Interactive Media offer a deeper, more engaging look at Scripture.


“We created Logos 6 so that real people all over the globe could do better, more insightful study — no matter how busy they are or how little they may know about the Bible,” Pritchett said.


Logos 6 is the most advanced Bible study software on the market. Faithlife, its parent company, is the worldwide leader in electronic tools and resources for Bible study, partnering with more than 200 publishers to offer over 43,000 resources across the globe.


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About Faithlife

Faithlife is the leading provider of multilingual tools and resources for Bible study on Macs, PCs and mobile devices. Logos has served pastors, scholars and everyone who wants to study the Bible since 1992, partnering with more than 200 publishers to offer over 43,000 Christian e-books to users in over 210 countries.