Facing a Blank Page (JOT Bible Life-Notes)

And the winner of the JOT Bible Life-Notes giveaway is:



Eric will get an email from us soon…

Anyone interested in a JOT Bible Life-Notes journal can purchase them directly from JOTBibleLifeNotes.com

A note about the drawing…

There were a lot of people who shared the news on their social networks who didn’t come back here and post the links. I wanted them to have an entry for sharing, so everyone who did post in the comments on the original post got an extra entry for commenting. For example, if you shared on Facebook and didn’t comment here, you got one entry. If you shared on Facebook and commented here, you got two entries.

I then placed all of the entries on a spreadsheet and went to Random.org to get the random number. That number corresponded to the number on the spreadsheet next to the name.

Thank you for participating.