Is the Bible Reliable? building the historical case from Tyndale Publishing is a 2-DVD and book set from the creators of Focus on the Family’s The Truth Project. This is the second set in the TrueU series.

The DVDs include five hours of classroom lectures which covers 10 lessons on archaeological finds and how those finds correlate to events in the Bible, showing the Bible to be accurate and reliable through external corroboration.

The book is a companion to the lectures and includes questions from the lectures, archaeological facts, photos of archaeological artifacts, interviews with archaeologists, a glossary for each chapter, lots of fun cartoons, and more.

The lectures are given by Dr. Stephen Meyer. They are well delivered and filled with fascinating information. Meyer uses visuals and shows what we find in Scripture, and then shows external archaeological evidence that backs up the Bibles’ claims. Meyer delivers strong evidence that the Bible is reliable from an archaeological standpoint.

The companion guide is meant to help guide you through the lectures. It does contain some facts and photos, but there’s not enough in it to use as a carry-with-me defender’s guide. The real strength in this series is the DVD lectures. You’ll want to watch it several times and I recommend taking notes to build your own defender’s guide.

I recommend Is the Bible Reliable? DVD set, as I contains some of the best information out there on Biblical archaeology and puts it in simple enough terms that you don’t have to have a college degree to understand it. These lectures equip you to defend the accuracy of Scripture- and that’s something that is always valuable, both to ourselves and those around us.


Tyndale Publishing provided this review copy for free. I was not required to give a positive review- only an honest review.