
At ICRS we had the privilege of sitting down with Brian Wells, the author of The League and The Lantern. The book is the first in a series of five novels and follows Jake and his new friends Lucy and TJ on their adventures. The three meet at a school sponsored sleepover that gets taken over by an unknown organization. They narrowly escape and spend the next 48 hours trying to figure out what the group is after and why, who can be trusted, and how to survive. It has lots of twists and turns and beautifully balances humor with more serious moments. This action-adventure was written for middle-schoolers, but any age could find it enjoyable.

It is Christian friendly without being religion focused and educates while it entertains. It has some real science and history in it and Wells worked with education professionals to weave in 140 of the top vocabulary words for middle school success. All of this is done so well you won’t notice.

Brian was fun to talk to and he’s passionate about writing, history, and education. We were even able to get some exciting insights on his writing process.

Here’s the interview:


You can buy from Amazon here: The League and The Lantern

Or from its official website:

If you purchase your copy this summer from the official website a copy will be donated to a child who might otherwise not have an opportunity to have one through organizations such as The Salvation Army and Boys and Girls Clubs of America. You can also find out which parts of the history in the story are fact and which parts are fiction and find other bonus content like printable posters and vocabulary sheets.


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