IMG_6119Thank You, God, for Puppies by Mary Manz Simon and illustrated by Tammie Lyon is an adorable children’s book. Both writer and illustrator made a great team.

It’s not a story but a series of rhymes about kids and their puppies. It has short, easy to understand words and few per page. So it’s easy for your four year old cousin to remember and read to you over and over.

I appreciate the diversity in both kids and dogs in the pictures. I also appreciate how thick the cardboard is.

My met the author at the International Christian Retail Show, she is really nice and signed the book to my baby cousin with a special message “Jesus loves you.” He loves it and won’t let me read him the book without including that part.

I enjoy reading this cute book to my cousin.
I received this book for free for review from the author. I was not required to give a positive review.