
Faith Walker is a Christian comic book from Clint D. Johnson with the goal of providing super hero stories with a Christian worldview. Aimed at the 7-15 year-old age group, Faith Walker and the First-Watch: The Art of Warfare is a team-up of super-powered characters with the goal of defeating Major Conflict – a war veteran that was left behind in the heat of battle. The story has lots of characters and even a twist or two.



The characters have a strong Christian mindset and this helps provide applicable biblical lessons that are interweaved into the story. For example, they pray before going into battle, they try to live in peace where possible, and they quote lots of Scripture (especially Faith Walker) that applies to the immediate situation. References for the Scriptures are given under the panels. They also talk about God in general conversation, which sets a good example of something we should all be doing.


Super-powers, items, and names are cleverly developed from biblical terminology. The stories are action-packed and the art looks great. There are a lot of characters involved and it can be difficult to fully explore them in just a single graphic novel. I could even see this story being longer, but I’m sure that would be cost-prohibitive.


I recommend reading the previous edition before this one. I also recommend reading the information in the front as the characters are explained in more detail there. I jumped right in, which can be more confusing if you’re not familiar with the characters and setting.



Faith Walker and the First-Watch: The Art of Warfare is a well-made comic that provides a good alternative to comics without a Christian worldview, and provides applicable biblical lessons without feeling preachy.


The materials are as good as the larger production houses with thick paper and full-color artwork. They’re also available in e-book format.




Where to Buy:

Christian Action Heroes Store



Christian Action Heroes provided this graphic novel free for review. I was not required to give a positive review – only an honest review. My opinions are my own.