I love wide margin Bibles. I also love Local Church Bible Publishers. I also love world renowned Derek Jones’ video reviews. I’ve been curious about two of their wide margin editions. I have the 400, and I have the 180, but I’ve never seen the wide margin version of the 180: the 390. So what do I do? I asked Derek Jones to compare them! He was more than happy to oblige and he even through in the 230. Derek also runs a Facebook page called Bible Geeks of the World where he discusses Bibles. Thanks for the review Derek!
I have the 390. Color pencils don’t bleed through.
Dear Randy:
For me, who doesn’t make notes in my bible or underline or highlight, carrying around the extra size and weight is foolish. I once marked up everything I read, but have repented that practice for two reasons: One, the notes, marking, and highlights are prejudicial to fresh insights on later readings, two, and related to the first, I have gone back over books and bibles that I previously had marked and was mystified as to why I marked it up in the first place. A note book serves just as well, and does not permanently alter the bible. Every one has their own ways, mine is to not mark up good information therby altering it forever.
Yours in Christ
Don Denison