If you want to learn about nutrition The Busy Mom’s Guide to Family Nutrition is a great place to start.  While there is a lot of information on the web and in various magazines about nutrition this book brings together the basics in one easy to understand book. It is written in a question and answer format and covers topics like: defining nutritional terms, understanding nutritional labels, purposes and sources of vitamins and minerals, and common sense approaches to losing weight. The weight loss sections of the book include figuring out what a proper weight should be, contributing factors (both controllable and non-controllable) to obesity, and practical solutions for all ages from toddlers to adults. I particularly liked the advice for evaluating diet claims and the explanations of the different types of fats, carbohydrates, and sugars. I have read quite a lot about nutrition and found this book to be mostly accurate, practical, and in keeping with a Christian viewpoint. It is not so “Christian” as to be offensive to those of a different worldview. Those who have studied nutrition quite a bit won’t learn new anything except possibly an easy way to explain things but this book should be useful for everyone else.

Especially since it is marketed as “quick answers for moms on the go” it needs a better index to make answers to specific questions easier to find. Also while I know obesity is more common than eating disorders or being underweight, I wish this book had at least mentioned these two nutrition related subjects.

Tyndale Publishing provided this review copy for free. I was not required to give a positive review- only an honest review.