
I’ve always been avid Bible marker but I haven’t had the courage to mark up my Cambridge Clarion. I was afraid of bleed-through. I’ve also had several readers ask about this, so I know I’m not the only one. Well, Christopher Lewis marked in his and I have to say that I’m impressed.

Here’s what Christopher had to say about writing in his KJV Clarion:

I use the Micron 01 and a Zebrite medium bible highlighter. The pen has no more bleed through than the type inside of the clarion. The highlighter does a great job. The paper in the Clarion is way better than most give it credit for. I have had some curling issues, but not enough to bother me. I wouldn’t recommend using anything other than bible pens or highlighters though, but with the proper pens, it really holds up well. I will also add that a little bleed through doesn’t bother me as long as it doesn’t interrupt the reading. I use this bible also in Sunday School at church. I find that marking in it has helped me tremendously with finding passages that were tough to find originally because of the paragraph format. It has almost turned the Clarion into a scripture map.

Here’re his photos, showing both sides of the page:

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Thanks for sharing Christopher.

Click here to see my review of the Cambridge Clarion in KJV.