Guest post from Mo Mulla of

Fatherhood is a gratifying moment for most men. But as lovely as it may be, being a father is not easy. As mentioned in, It is not also a job for the fainthearted.

Though it bears challenges, nothing gives joy and complacency as a father instructing his children in the right ways of the Lord for their well-being.

Take a look at history; other fathers may have set the example of what a father should be. You may have the notion that the scripture is some primeval, outmoded text that has nothing to say about our modern life. Well, think again.

Take a look into God’s word. There is a lot to obtain, and it may eventually change your perspective on fatherhood.

So, the big question. What does the Bible say about Christian fathers? We have the details about the 5 biblical teachings we must all know.

Direct And Discipline Your Kids ( Proverbs 3: 11-12, Proverbs 22: 6, Ephesians 6:4 )

It’s your responsibility as a father to raise your children in the ways of the Lord. Stand your ground on any wrongs they commit. Discipline, encourage, and instruct them in the right ways.

Fathers should be the first teacher a child has, not kindergarten teachers or the government, but you. Train them as early as possible into the way they should go. And as the Bible says, “even when they grow old, they will not turn from it.”

This is a scripture all dads should bear in mind. When you spare the rod, you hate your son. But if you love him, it is diligent to discipline them. Proverbs 13:24

Provide For Your Family ( 1 Tim 5:8 )

It’s the responsibility of dads to ensure that their family has all its needs. For ages, dads have provided financial support for their families.

A good father should protect and provide for his family.

On top of that, you should also communicate with your children.

Yes, you may be a good provider but be careful not to be totally overwhelmed in pursuit of income at the expense of spending time at home. It is important to balance both of these aspects.

Being A Father Like God The Father ( Psalms 103:13, Malachi 4:6 )

All dads should emulate what God has been to all of us, his children. Loving, caring, strong, compassionate, and serene. This is the perfect example of what all fathers should do.

Never Giving Up On Your Kids And Family ( Luke 15: 20-24, 1st Corinthians 6:13, Isaiah 43:2 )

Most of us are conversant with the prodigal son story. That father never gave up on his son and was ready to welcome him back with open arms.

Even at the most challenging times, when your marriage is falling apart, everything at home is all squabbles; a Christian father should never give up.

Pray! Pray! Pray. For Your Children And Family ( 1st Chronicles 29:19 )

Prayer will always facilitate the effort we put into teaching and training kids. Children who know that their dads pray for them daily feel loved and secure.

Fathers should pray for their children’s physical health, spiritual health, as well as their well-being. Parental prayer should be an integral part of the loving relationship between a father and his kids.

King David used to pray for his son, King Solomon. Prayer ensures your children never live in fear.

Furthermore, kids will emulate what their fathers do. They will learn to pray as you do.

Fathers are instruments in God’s hand to be a leader and protector for the family. We must all know these top 5 biblical teachings to bring up kids as our heavenly father mandated us to.


Mo Mulla is a work from home dad who enjoys reading and listening to music. He loves being a dad and husband to a growing family. He loves writing about his passions and hopes to change the world, 1 blog post at a time! You can find his parenting blog here:

Photo by Jude Beck on Unsplash