The Story of the Bible by Larry Stone covers the history of the Bible in writing, translation, and its effect on civilization throughout the ages. Stone explores the history of the Bible from hand-written copies to modern day printings, and discusses the Scriptures from their original languages, to manuscripts, to the many English translations available both today and in the past.

This book is not just a book; it is a museum in a book. It includes over 90 illustrations and 23 removable life-size reproductions from the world’s most important Bibles. These reproductions are inserted into pockets throughout the book. Timelines chart and show what took place when, giving the reader a firm grasp on the history of the Word of God.

This is a fun book to read and thumb through. The images and reproductions help the reader grasp and appreciate the dangerous business of Bible translation and publishing. I especially enjoyed the sections on the Sumarian city of UR, Qumran and the Dead Sea Scrolls, and the first Bibles translated and printed into English. Stone explains why each scroll, manuscript, translation, and printing was important, and how they affected the people of the time.

I highly recommend The Story of the Bible by Larry Stone. It is a fun and fascinating look at the story of the Bible.


Thomas Nelson Publishers provided the review copy for free. I was not required to give a positive review- only an honest review.

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