Reading the Bible can be a struggle. We tend to think that since the Bible is the Word of God, its presentation is perfect and we should be able to read it the way it’s presented to us. When we have problems reading the Bible, our first thoughts are that we are the problem. The Bible Reset by Alex Goodwin (affiliate – available in paperback, on Kindle, and in audio) from the Institute For Bible Reading discusses these problems. It shows the author’s experience in trying to read the Bible and the types of problems our Bible designs have caused since the time the Bible has been in print. He also mentions our modern reading habits that have developed from using the internet and the problems this has caused us in our Bible reading.

Mr. Goodwin uses these and many other points to show why we need a Bible designed for reading. The book has a strong focus on Immerse, showing why it was developed and touching on many of the design decisions that went into the Immerse project. He also shows how to get the most out of reading a Bible like Immerse and covers the benefits of reading the Bible in community rather than alone. He also covers the need for understanding the historical and cultural context, the literary context and types of literature found in the Bible, and understanding the Bible as a story.

I completely agree with Mr. Goodwin’s assessment that we need a Bible that removes the road bumps that get in the way of comprehension. I also like his points on reading the Bible in community. I’ve noticed many of the problems he discusses in The Bible Reset and I’ve tried to avoid those same problems in my own ministry. For example, when the Bible is read in churches today, we mostly hear a verse that’s used to support the sermon and then the Bible isn’t touched again, or rarely, for the rest of the sermon. We end up with a famine for God’s Word, but with a little effort, this book shows how to solve that famine. Immerse is one of my favorite Bible designs and it solves the issues he raises.


The points made in The Bible Reset provide powerful insights into getting the most out of reading the Bible. It’s well-written and makes me want to do away with all of the extras and read large portions of the Bible with my community, following up every session with discussions on the text. I highly recommend The Bible Reset. Keep in mind that you won’t be satisfied with a cluttered Bible and current reading habits, and that’s a good thing.

This book was provided by the author in exchange for an honest review. I was not asked to provide a positive review.