rose book of bible charts

Rose Publishers recently released the Rose Book of Bible Charts, Maps, & Timelines expanded 10th anniversary edition. It’s 244 pages and includes a long list of their foldout pamphlets. It’s available in both book and PDF formats. This is a quick look at the PDF.

The PDF edition is in ultra-high resolution and is reproducible. There are too many charts to name them all, but they are broken down into these major categories:

  • Bible Overview
  • Old Testament
  • New Testament
  • Maps
  • Christianity, Cults, and Religions
  • Map Index
  • Subject Index

There are so many charts that it’s hard to pick a favorite, but some of my favorite charts are:

  • Bible Overview
  • How We Got the Bible
  • Names of God
  • 100 Proofs for the Bible
  • Creation
  • Noah’s Ark
  • Statue in the Book of Daniel
  • 100 Prophecies Fulfilled by Jesus
  • Miracles of Jesus
  • Parables of Jesus
  • Armor of God
  • Fruit of the Spirit
  • The Seven Churches of Revelation
  • Four Views on the End Time
  • Assyrian Empire
  • Babylonian and Persian Empires
  • Where Jesus Walked: Then and Now
  • The World of the First Christians: Then and Now
  • Paul’s Journeys

It shows you a list of all of the charts and maps in the table of contents. I wish the table of contents were clickable.

I could get completely lost in How We Got the Bible all by itself. Just that one alone makes my like the whole book. It has fascinating pictures of Biblical archaeological artifacts with timelines throughout. It has lots of information about the Biblical manuscripts and shows a timeline for English translations. It also has comparisons from 20 different Bible translations and gives a description, tells the translation type (word-for-word, thought-for-thought, balance, and paraphrase), and tells the date it was published. I’d like to see a comparison between a few verses, but it does give a good description about each of the translations.

Many of the charts are Biblical-based facts and are a great resource for personal study, group study, sermon prep, and classroom prep. There are a few that contain theological information. Some of them, such as Four Views on the End Times, offers various views and doesn’t show a bias. There are others that do show a theological bias. Like all Biblical study material I urge you to do your own study allowing Scripture to interpret Scripture and only use material with a bias for reference.

The charts look amazing on screen and there is enough information in here to keep you busy for a while. I recommend Rose Book of Bible Charts, Maps, & Timelines for personal study, group study, and sermon and class prep.

Rose Publishing provided this ebook free for review. I was not required to give a positive review- only an honest review.