I received a copy of Revive Your Life! by Pamela Christian at the Christian Product Expo we recently attended. The third installment of her Faith to Live By series this one focuses primarily on the love of God.

ISBN: 9780990942184

I was provided this book free for review. I was not required to give a positive review – only an honest review. My opinions are my own.


This book is available at (includes some affiliate links)


“God is love.” This statement found twice in I John is the core of Revive Your Life. Divided into 3 major sections, Discovering Love, Embracing Love, and Experiencing Love this book seeks to help you more fully understand what that means.

A core truth of the Bible that Pamela points out is “While God’s love is unconditional, most of His promises aren’t.” Deception (one of Satan’s favorite tools) is commonplace in today’s culture and has led many to disbelieve at least one half of that statement. Some have come to believe that either the Christian’s God is unloving or that they can never be worthy of his love. Others have been deceived into believing in a God that has no rules, no absolute truths, no expectations for his followers, and hands out presents we don’t need just because we want them. Pamela attempts to correct all of these misconceptions.

Discovering Love focuses on God. God’s existence and the idea of reexamining our beliefs about him are the main topics in these four chapters. Much of this is an overview of topics such as creation and contrasting major religions. Since these topics can’t be fully covered in a chapter she points you to other resources (like websites and the previous books in this series) to dig deeper. As she correctly point out “Unless we intentionally examine our beliefs, we can easily be deceived and not know that we are.” That’s the very nature of deception and why it both such a powerful tool and sometimes difficult to combat.

The Embracing Love portion focuses on the individual. There are examples of how God has miraculously helped people. She explains how God can and will transform your life. Pamela points out He has expectations for you once you’ve been made new and that “To intentionally conduct oneself in ways known to be contrary to God’s instruction is willful disobedience and is subject to the discipline of God.” She also points out that God has a purpose for each of us. He has given us all gifts, both natural and spiritual, to accomplish our purpose.

The last portion, Experiencing Love, focuses on sharing with others. She convincingly argues that all of us are called to be disciples spreading God’s love and truth to the world. We must become secure in who we are in Christ. Then we must unite with others of like faith, set goals to help us grow, and reach out to the world that desperately needs God.

I’m sure reading the other two books in the Faith to Live By series before Revive Your Life! would have been helpful but it is definitely not necessary

This book does contain some specific Theology a few points of which I disagree with. She’s quoted and condensed lots of other authors and added to what they have to say. I commend her for pointing out what she sees wrong with both the world and the church. I agree that “the world that needs to see the difference Jesus makes in people’s lives is being dissuaded from the hope of the Christian faith.” and that we need to do something about it. While I’m not a part of what I see as this book’s main target audience there are both things that made me think and things useful for sharing with others. I wish she had spent a bit more time on helping you figure out what your gifts are (maybe that could be the topic of a future book).

Revive Your Life! is a well written book that brings up a lot of good points. Since I’m not in complete agreement with everything Pamela teaches I can only recommend reading it prayerfully along with your Bible. Since she states that “We must be intentional about remaining in truth, so faith is based on a solid foundation.” I think she would agree that’s the best way to read anything. It has the potential to be of most use to new converts, those who are trying to find their way back to God, or those who have never before stopped and examined what they believe and why.