Our second day of UNITE 2018 in Nashville was just as busy as the first. Most of the publishers were so busy that I didn’t get to talk to them (which is great for their sales). Others didn’t have anyone available for comments or interviews. Many were distributors for multiple publishers, so a lot of publishers didn’t have anyone here that I could talk to. I was able to squeeze in a few interviews though. I’ll post those as individual articles. Here’s a look at what I could see in the booths without getting too much in the way.

Broadman and Holman had a large booth with lots of Bibles in KJV, NKJV, CSB, and several in Spanish.

World Wide Printing prints some of my favorite Bibles including several for Cambridge. Those Bibles are labeled as printed in Belarus. They were so busy I didn’t get to take photos of the table.

Kregel had an interesting study Bible for women called A Woman After God’s Own Heart.

This is Blackbird Coffee. This is some of the best coffee I’ve had (and I’m extremely picky when it comes to coffee). It actually made me want to start a coffee review blog.

Shel Cox was amazing to talk to. He has one of those personalities that you just have to stop and talk to him and you don’t want to leave. His books sound amazing. I’m actually reading them now.

These two articles just touch on who was at the show. Stay tuned throughout the week to see articles about specific publishers, manufacturers, designers, and lots more. Many of those articles will include video interviews and sneak-peeks of new products coming this fall.