Learn New Testament Greek by John Dobson - Review 007

Learn New Testament Greek by John Dobson is a complete course in beginning Greek. In contains 52 lessons that takes the beginner from an introduction to the language to translating the New Testament from Greek to English.

The book is divided into 52 lessons. Each lesson is around 4-7 pages and most conclude with a progress test. There is an answer key in the back so you can check your answers.

Learn New Testament Greek by John Dobson - Review 008

You can hear the Greek spoken for the first 21 lessons on the accompanying CD, read by John Dobson and Nicola Pinn. Although I think it would be better to have all of the lessons covered, hearing the first 21 lessons is enough to get you used to speaking Greek. The beginning tracks are very short and I recommend listening to them all for the first few weeks of your lessons.

Learn New Testament Greek by John Dobson - Review 009

The lessons start with the Greek alphabet. What I like about the way the alphabet is presented is the letters are shown in groups with English equivalents. This makes it easier to learn than just trying to remember a string of letter names in a sequence without really knowing what they are. The grouping shows you quickly how to pronounce the letters without even having to tell you. For example, for alpha and beta, it shows ba, and abba. Now you know how to recognize, read, and pronounce the first two Greek letters before you even learn their names. You are taught the alphabet by learning words. I like this because you learn the alphabet and some Greek words at the same time, and this make both much easier.

Learn New Testament Greek by John Dobson - Review 010

As soon as you’re done with the alphabet there are a few more words to get you used to reading them, and then you go straight on to reading John 1:1. By the time you get to this point (chapter 2) you’ve learned so much Greek that reading the New Testament is much easier (as long as you don’t skim through chapter 1).

The lessons are well written and very easy to follow. The lessons include words, phrases, grammar, translation rules, manuscripts, textual criticism, how the Greek text was influenced by Hebrew and Aramaic, and much more- all taught as they are needed within the lessons they are used in. When you complete the course you’ll be able to read the entire Greek New testament and translate it into English.

Learn New Testament Greek by John Dobson - Review 011

There is a lesson that covers how to use tools such as lexicons, how to read the Greek New Testament, translation, and even includes advice for preachers on how to use Greek in your sermons.

You will need a Greek New Testament to complete this course. This is a good thing, since the goal of learning New Testament Greek is to learn to read the New Testament in Greek. Fortunately, the Greek New Testament is available everywhere and is easy to get. You can read it online, get it for e-readers, it’s available for Bible apps, and you can get it in print form.

I highly recommend Learn New Testament Greek by John Dobson to anyone that wants to learn New Testament Greek quickly and easily. This course is well-suited for laymen, students, and preachers and teachers that want to incorporate Greek into their lessons and sermons.


Click here to buy:

Christianbook: Learn New Testament Greek, Third Edition–Book and CD-ROM

Amazon: Learn New Testament Greek


Baker Academic provided this book free for review. I was not required to write a positive review- only an honest review. My opinions are my own.