Here are some pics and interesting things from the first day. I talked to many interesting people including publishers and authors. I even had an author tell me about Bible Buying Guide before I could introduce myself. My favorite author was a 10 year old girl who was overwhelmed by how well her book about hair-dos was received by the crowd. Another author created a chronologically blended book of the Gospels in both KJV and paraphrased. It’s color-coded and links to prophecies from the Old Testament (review coming soon).

I learned a about a few new Bibles coming out. There are a few I can tell you about. Of the ones I can’t tell you about… let’s just say I can’t wait for 2016 (there’s one in particular that has me excited). I really enjoyed meeting the TBS crew, and the Hendrickson crew are some of the most passionate people I’ve met in Bible publishing. That conversation was a total Bible geek-fest. Reformation Heritage Books has some beautiful Bibles on the way.


The gift area before the crowd rolled in


The TBS booth was fun to visit. Before I could speak, Marnie shouted “Randy! We quoted you!” and pointed to the podium at the front of the booth. The Westminster was front and center – and rightfully so. It’s still one of the best KJV’s on the market (imho).


I love it when they quote me šŸ™‚

This is the first time I’ve seen the TBS Comfort Text Bible up close, so I had to take a few shots.


The TBS Comfort Text Bible.






Reformation Heritage Books showed off a lot of cover and paper samples for their upcoming Bibles. As I walked up to the booth, David shouted “Bible Buying Guide! Matt Sherro reviewed our Bible for your website!” This was another fun and geeky conversation and they have some seriously amazing Bibles on the way. Sorry for the blurry images.







This was interesting. The owner was a reproduction Bible collector. This leaf is original.

20150629_132031This just scratches the surface of the what I saw today. Tomorrow I have to interviews lined up. I also have some meetings for Wednesday. And of course I will have lots of reviews coming.