Innovations in many fields come not from man’s imagination but by copying designs found in God’s creation. That is the premise behind Made in Heaven by Ray Comfort and Jeffrey Seto and published by Master Books a division of New Leaf Publishing.

The writers have chosen 32 examples of intricate designs in nature and shown examples of how scientists have copied or are trying to copy them to make advances in medicine, energy, robotics, and even clothing. Some of the examples are fairly obvious like cat’s eyes to make better road reflectors or have been used in other creation books like copying termite mounds to design more efficient air conditioning systems. Some of them like copying lotus leaves to make things more water repellent or copying moths eyes to make better solar cells were new to me. I found the idea of copying a mosquito’s bite to try a make painless shots particularly interesting, partly because we tend to think of mosquitos as worse than useless and partly because I know people who take daily insulin shots.

This book has beautiful pictures and easy to understand diagrams. The combination of a Apologist and an Aerospace Engineer as writers makes the book easy to understand, relevant for defending creation, scientifically accurate, and up to date. This book encourages you notice the amazing world around you and “look beyond the painting and see the Painter.”

Even if it looks like one it is not just a children’s book. The science is presented in an easy to understand way that doesn’t make you feel like you’re being talked down to. I found it as interesting and educational as my 16 year old son and my 9 year old nephew. It would make an excellent present for anyone interested in science, or any one you want to encourage to pay attention to God’s design.

Master Books provided this book free for review. I was not required to give a positive review- only an honest review.