One Gospel with Fulfilled Prophecies - Review

One Gospel with Fulfilled Prophecies is a book that harmonizes and merges the Gospels in chronological order with a major focus on fulfilled prophecy. The goal was to merge the story of the life of Jesus into a single volume and include Old Testament prophecies showing that Jesus is the Messiah.

There are two different editions:

How it Works

One Gospel with Fulfilled Prophecies - Review

The simplified explanation of the KJV edition is the verses are combined and the books are identified by a color code. Prophecies are placed in yellow boxes.

The Scriptures are presented in a single column paragraph format without verse numbers. Poetry is in poetic format. I’m guessing it’s around a 10-point font. Every word is a specific color. The colors match the references given at every section heading. The references are also printed in the same color as the text they correspond to. The section headings match the table of contents in the front and work as an outline to the Gospels.

That’s it. It’s that simple. There are a few additional features. Including maps, photos, and charts.

The prophecies are placed in yellow boxes. There are 100 prophecies included. It gives a title for the prophecy, the reference, and the text of the Scriptures. The applicable portion of the text is in bold.

One Gospel with Fulfilled Prophecies - Review

Maps are annotated and labeled and are placed within the text like a study Bible. They include:

  • The Childhood of Jesus
  • Baptism to First Miracle
  • First Passover to Rejection
  • Jesus Moves to Capernaum on the Sea of Galilee
  • Galilee Missions
  • Galilee 2
  • The Northern/Coastal Mission
  • Jesus Travels to Jerusalem
  • Final Journey to Jerusalem
  • Jerusalem at the Triumphal Entry
  • Herod’s Temple
  • Crucifixion

One of the most impressive things about the maps is that Larry created them. They look fantastic. Many are in color.

Images include:

  • Steps at Caiaphas’ House
  • Golgotha
  • Garden Tomb
  • Empty Tomb

One Gospel with Fulfilled Prophecies - Review

Charts show an hour by hour timeline for the Passion Week. They include:

  • Jesus in Jericho
  • Jesus Walks to Jerusalem
  • Triumphant Entry in Temple
  • Day of Rest
  • Shows Authority in Temple
  • Shows Purity in Temple
  • Meek and Mild in Temple
  • Trial, Crucified, in Tomb
  • Day One in Tomb
  • Day Two in Tomb
  • Day Three in Tomb
  • Rises from the Grave

The Paraphrase

One Gospel with Fulfilled Prophecies - Review

The paraphrased edition doesn’t have the color that’s found in the KJV. This does help general readability a lot. The paraphrase itself is actually a minor edit of the KJV. It modernizes the wording, adds words to connect stories, and identifies the speaker. Dialog is placed in quotations. Any notes supplied by the author are placed in brackets and italics. This edition does not include the charts. It adds a photo of a limestone engraving found in Caesarea.

Using It

Even though the KJV text looks busy with all of the color, I actually enjoy reading it. There are a few places where the words or phrases repeat. This is due to the thoroughness of including all of the text.  This makes it difficult to read but the color helps keep it separate. Overall it’s a far better tool for study and teaching than just reading. It is an excellent tool for study because you have all of the events together in chronological order that’s easy to see. The many section headings helps with the chronology.

My Meeting with the Author

I met the author, Larry Aldrich, at this year’s ICRS in Orlando. He stepped me through both editions and showed me very quickly how easy it is to use, and how useful it is in personal study and sermon/class prep. Larry recommends the paraphrased edition for evangelizing with those not familiar with Christianity and the KJV edition for study.


No matter which edition you use, One Gospel with Fulfilled Prophecies is an excellent tool for digging deeper into God’s Word.

It’s available in Kindle, paperback, and hardcover formats at

You can see the website here: for more information and free downloads.

I received this books for free from the author for review. I was not required to give a positive review. Only an honest review.