Creation and the Second Coming is unique among both Creation and Prophecy genre’s in that it shows how the two are intertwined. Morris shows from Scripture that in order to understand the end-times you must understand the beginning.

Morris covers topics such as evolution, Darwinism, slavery, apostasy, occultism, and even science and technology, and shows how they correspond to the end-time events.

Morris also steps through the end-time events such as Gog and Magog, Israel becoming a nation, Babylon, the seven-year tribulation, Daniel’s 70th week, the two witnesses, the image of the beast, the woman in the wilderness, the anti-christ, the millennium, the final judgment, and more, and shows how this war of Satan’s began at the beginning.

This is primarily a book on prophecy, but instead of only focusing on the end-times Morris shows events in history, such as the trouble in the Middle East, and how they all tie together with end-time events. Morris shows how the signs that are given in Scripture of the second coming directly stem from humanism. Morris even explains why we can’t know the time of the rapture.

This book is a fascinating look into end-time events. I was especially interested in the points about science. This book is much needed because it not only covers the ‘how’ of the end-time, but also covers the ‘why’. Without the ‘why’, the purpose of the tribulation and second coming loses its impact. I highly recommend Creation and the Second Coming by Henry Morris.


New Leaf Press provided this book free for this review. I was not required to give a positive review- only an honest review.