End-Time Study Guide A Compilation of Scripture References on the End-Time is now available for Kindle for .99. Here’s the description from Amazon:

With the world in turmoil, it definitely looks like the world will end soon. The Bible has a lot to say about the end of time. In fact, almost 30% of Scripture is prophetic.

Why this study guide? Scriptures on the end-time are scattered throughout the Bible. Not everything that happens in the end-time is found in one book, such as the book of Revelation, so just reading one book doesn’t give you the complete picture of the end-time. The Scriptures have to be rightly divided (2 Tim. 2:15). While this book doesn’t give you every verse on an end-time topic, it does give the basis and foundation of the end-time events. Each section includes a short introduction to the topic and a topical heading in outline form.
This study guide takes the “Futurist” view. That is, everything from Revelation chapter 4 on to the end is still future events. Theologically, this book is pre-trib (the rapture takes place before the tribulation), and pre-millennial (the tribulation takes place before the millennium).

Scripture should never be taken out of context in order to prove a belief or a doctrine. I believe the teachings of the Scriptures in this book are clear and are in their proper context.

This study guide can be used for personal study, group study, teaching, sermon preparation, preaching, a chain reference, and more.

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