The New Treasury of Scripture Knowledge from Thomas Nelson is an updated and expanded version of the classic TSK. The latest release is a light edit of the 1992 updated edition. It’s ideal for Bible study and sermon prep. In this review, we’ll take a close look at the NTSK to help you decide if it’s the right Bible study tool for your needs. This is ISBN 9780310143512. It was printed in the USA.

Thomas Nelson provided this book in exchange for an honest review. 

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This is a hardcover edition with a paper liner. The binding is glued. It stays open to any page with no trouble. This is a large book. The overall size is 8.75 x 11.1 x 2″. The paper is similar to the paper used in paperback novels. It feels rough. It’s highly opaque and easy to turn. It does not include a ribbon. I’d like to see a few ribbons added to help with moving around the book while studying.

The text is in two columns. All of the references and notes are presented under the chapter and verse numbers they correspond to. Meaning that they’re printed in biblical order. The top of the page shows the book name, chapter, and verse for the first and last verse on the page. The first verse is in the left margin and the last verse is in the right margin. The upper case letters measure at 9-point. The lower-case letters are around 6-point. It’s dark and consistent. The print quality looks good. It might be difficult to read for those that need a large or giant print.


The greatest strength of the NTSK includes around 500,000 references. References include cross-references, parallel passages, quotes, types and antitypes, critical cross-references, etc. Genesis 1:1 has over 140 references. Most Bibles have less than 10 for this verse. This makes it one of the best study tools available. It works with any Bible and any translation. This also means that you won’t need that many references in a printed Bible.

It shows the portion of text that the references correspond to in bold, making it easy to find the references you’re looking for. These phrases are from the KJV, but it does work with any translation. Of course, there are so many that it will take a while to find a specific reference. It also means that there will be lots of references that are a better fit than others.

It also includes Hebrew and Greek words with a Strong’s numbers. It doesn’t include a Strong’s dictionary, but it’s still helpful to know which numbers to look up. It also includes lots of symbols to indicate various things. For example, the references that are contrasts of the verse include a half-filled circle. Asterisks show a clear cross-reference. An equals sign shows a type or antitype. The Star of David indicates where a prophecy is recorded. It also links to the indexes in the back, transliterations, and more.

Chapter Summaries

Every chapter includes a summary at the beginning of the chapter. This makes it easier to find what you’re looking for. This is especially helpful since it doesn’t have the biblical text.

Explanatory Notes

The explanatory notes are similar to Bible dictionary entries or encyclopedia articles. They include comments on the subject words, information about customs, word meanings, and biblical teachings. They do include some theological interpretations. As always, I recommend using it for reference and doing your own study.


The bibliography is 7 pages and includes the names of all the books used to build this edition of the NTSK.  I like that this is included. This is an excellent list that can help you build a strong library.

Subject Index

This is a 36-page index with lots of subjects. It provides a verse or two for each subject. It includes symbols, Hebrew and Greek words, Strongs numbers, some theology with interpretation, and shows where a theological topic is discussed in the regular reference section. It also includes the names of the authors that are found in the bibliography along with the resources used and the references that their resources correspond to and some book names as separate entries. A few of the topics are divided into smaller topics.

Prayer Index

This is an 8-page index that shows all the topics that are involved with prayer. It includes the topic, a short description, and references.

Proverbs Index

This is a 5-page index that shows all the topics that are discussed in the book of Proverbs. It includes the topic, a short description, and references.

Name Index

This is a 31-page index with 3619 entries with their Strong’s numbers and references where you can find them in the Bible. It includes an entry for every Hebrew and Greek version of the name. For example, there are three entries for Adam- two in Hebrew and one in Greek.

Figure of Speech Index

This is a 12-page index with 185 entries plus sub-entries for many of them. Unfortunately, there are several errors where it skips entries. It should be 18 pages. HarperCollins customer service will send the index as a PDF if you want it.

Topic Number Index

This is a 25-page index with 1976 entries. This one was a touch confusing at first, but it did make sense once I started using it. Some of the other tools provide a subject number, which leads to this index.

It includes several headings:

  • Punishment in a Future State
  • Redemption of Saints
  • Regeneration and Sanctification
  • Saints Distinguished From Sinners by Opposite Appellations
  • Peculiar Characteristics of Saints
  • Precious Bible Promises
    • Promises of Temporal Blessings
    • Promises Relating to the Troubles of Life
    • Promises of Spiritual Blessings in this Life
    • Promises of Blessings in the Future World
    • Promises for the Exercise of Duties and Graces in the Fulfillment of Duty Toward God
    • Promises for the Exercise of Duties and Graces in the Fulfillment of Duty Toward Man
    • Promises for the Exercise of Duties and Graces in the Cultivation of Christian Character
    • Promises of the Growth and Glory of the Church
  • The Scriptures
  • Perspicuity of the Scriptures: The Bible Understandable
  • The Bible’s Teaching About Prayer
    • The Grounds of Prayer
    • Times of Prayer
    • Places of Prayer
    • Outward Conditions of Prayer
    • Spiritual Conditions of Prayer
    • Objects of Prayer
    • Time Spent in Prayer
    • How Prayer Answered
    • Prayer Not Heard Because Of”
    • Business responsibilities
    • Responsibilities of the Employee
    • For Young People Stating a Career
    • Responsibilities of Christian Students
    • Responsibilities Toward God
  • Messianic Prophecy
    • One Day in Prophecy


I’ve gotten several questions about how the NTSK compares to the Thompson Chain Reference Bible and the Westminster Reference Bible. They don’t have as many tools, but they do have the advantage of being a Bible you can carry.

Thompson Chain Reference Bible

The Thompson Chain Reference Bible is topical focused. It has more topics and they’re organized better, making them easier to find. Also, they’re as non-biased as possible, so you won’t find any theological discussions in the TCR. It doesn’t have as many references (only 100,000), but it includes lots of maps and charts. Each verse is analyzed in the margins to show the topics. You can trace topics in the margins next to their verses and see them in the indexes in the back. It includes people, biblical timelines, a large concordance, and maps.

Westminster Reference Bible

The Westminster Reference Bible adds cross-references from the Concord and John Brown of Haddington’s study Bible (no relation as far as I know) to present 200,000 cross-references next to their verses. This is the most comprehensive number of cross-references in any reference Bible. It also adds chapter summaries, updated words on the page, a name index, concordance, and maps.

Where to Purchase The New Treasury of Scripture Knowledge



Ending Thoughts

The New Treasury of Scripture Knowledge is an excellent Bible study tool. I like that it includes several types of references. The notes include some theology, Hebrew and Greek explanations, and more. I’d like to see an introduction at the beginning of each index. This would make them easier to understand. Still, they’re helpful for deep study. This is one of the tools I use the most. Its vast number and types of references make it one of the best and most useful Bible study tools available.

Thomas Nelson provided this book in exchange for an honest review.