NASB Children's Edition Bible Cover

Steadfast Bibles has recently produced the NASB Children’s Edition Bible. This is a nice real Bible for children containing the complete text of the 1995 NASB translation, 76 full-color illustrations, and numerous other extras.

ISBN: 9781937212353       Printed in China

Steadfast Bibles provided this Bible in exchange for an honest review. I was not required to give a positive review, only an honest one. All opinions are my own.


This Bible is available at (includes some affiliate links)


Christian Book

Three Sixteen Publishing

and many local Bible bookstores


Table of Contents

      1. Video Review
      2. Construction and Materials
      3. Typography and Layout
      4. Pictures
      5. Topical Index
      6. Other Features
      7. Maps
      8. Final Thoughts

Video Review

Table of Contents

Construction and Materials

This Bible is currently only available in a multi-color hardcover edition. It measures 8 3/4″ x 6 3/4″ x 1 1/2″  and weighs almost 2 pounds and 7 ounces. It has a sewn binding and 1 attached blue ribbon bookmark.

NASB Children's Edition Bible Text

The paper is around 38 gsm and a nice soft white.

The end pages are a thick cardstock with the same circle pattern as the cover. A couple of extra pages of the cardstock is included both front and back with the table of contents and the dedication page on them at the front of the Bible.

Table of Contents

Typography and Layout

The NASB Children’s Edition Bible is laid out in a two-column, verse-by-verse format with the words of Christ in red. The red is a nice shade of deep red. There is a slight bit of variation in the ink darkness. It happens with the black ink more than the red and is mostly noticeable only if you are looking for it. All the ink stays near a medium level of darkness.

The text layout is based on Lockman Foundation’s NASB Large Print Pew Bible. It uses a 10 point font with 6 lines of text and the 5 spaces between them almost fitting within the height of a penny. Most quotes are just inside quotation marks but quotes from the Old Testament in the New Testament are in all capital letters. Larger quotes are usually offset. Poetry is set in stanzas.

The header contains the book name and chapter number in the outer corner and the page number in the center. Books do not always start at the top of a page.

The only footnotes are occasional translation notes. They are separated from the text with a thin line.

Table of Contents


NASB Children's Edition Bible Artwork

This Bible includes 76 full color illustrated scenes. They are printed on glossy paper and spaced throughout the Bible. Usually, there are only 1 or 2 pages (2 or 4 pictures) in each spot. A few places, like the middle of Genesis and a couple of the gospels, have a larger number of pictures grouped together. I like that each picture includes the reference for the story the picture portrays.

The artwork was created by Graham Kennedy, who works for  Foundation Matters in England. He has tried to accurately portray the historical period, including culture, architecture, and landscape.

This paper is so glossy it was hard to get good pictures without a large amount of glare.

I expect that these beautiful pictures will be the favorite feature of most children who receive this Bible. A Bible similar to this one, a real Bible with lots of realistic, easy to find pictures, was my favorite Bible when I was young.


Table of Contents

Topical Index

This Bible has a 120-page topical index. It is arranged alphabetically in two columns and has decorative index letters. This index helps introduce children to Biblical terms with supporting Scripture.

Steadfast Bibles was given permission by the Lockman Foundation to use their topical index, Bible book introductions, and a few other Scripture helps in this Bible. They revised them by adjusting the vocabulary and sentence structure to be more age-appropriate.

This Index covers a lot of subjects and will be very useful for children first learning to look answers up for themselves. A small number of entries contain explanations with doctrinal slants. It shouldn’t be a problem in most cases, but you will want to explain to children that things found in the back section of this Bible aren’t as infallible as the Scriptures themselves.

Table of Contents

Other Features

This Bible has several other Study Helps included in the back section of the Bible.



Several easy to use lists and charts are included. These lists are:

  • The Parables of Jesus
  • The Miracles of Jesus
  • Old Testament Prophecies Fulfilled in Christ
  • Important Events in Christ’s Life According to the Gospels
  • Titles of Christ
  • Where to Find Help When:


I like all of these lists being included. Some of them will help children find a particular story. Some of them will help the user learn a little more about God. The last encourages you to turn to the Bible for help, a good lesson to learn young.

Introductions to the Books of the Bible

An introduction to each of the 66 books is included in the back. Normally I would prefer that these be at the beginning of each book so I could read them as I start that book. Since this is a children’s Bible though, I like the idea of separating these from the Biblical text. This can help reinforce the idea that book introductions are great study helps but not as important as the Bible.

Memory Verses

8 lists of suggested memory verses each containing 8 to 17 verses are printed in the back. I really like the idea of encouraging memorizing the Bible. While a few of these wouldn’t be on a list of the first 81 verses I would suggest memorizing all of them would make my Scripture memorization list eventually. The topics are:

  • God
  • Jesus
  • The Holy Spirit
  • The Bible
  • Salvation
  • Growing in Faith
  • Prayer
  • The Promises of God

I like that the thick pages at the back also include a place for the owner to write a few favorite verses of their own.

God’s Plan of Salvation

This is the main place in this Bible that a doctrinal slant can be seen. You will definitely want to read these two pages before giving this Bible to your children and possibly prepare yourself for questions if there are any places it doesn’t line up with your church’s teachings.

Reading Checklist

This two-page checklist is on the thick pages in the back of the Bible and includes all the chapters in the New Testament individually listed. They didn’t want a dated list so that children could read at their own pace. A checklist that includes the Old Testament too can be downloaded for free from (You will have to give them your email address). The only change I would have made is a second check box for each chapter to make the idea that the Bible is not a book you read just once more obvious.

Table of Contents


This Bible has 8 glossy pages that have 9 full-color maps. These maps are:

  • The Biblical World of the Patriarchs
  • The Exodus Route and Conquest of Canaan
  • The Twelve Tribes of Israel
  • The Divided Kingdoms of Israel and Judah
  • The Herodian Kingdom in the Time of Christ
  • Old Testament Jerusalem
  • New Testament Jerusalem
  • The Ministry of Jesus
  • The Missionary Journeys of Paul

Table of Contents

Final Thoughts on the NASB Children’s Edition Bible

The NASB Children’s Edition Bible is a good example of what a children’s Bible should be. The complete Biblical text of the Bible in a modern translation with just enough extra features to encourage a child to read and memorize God’s Word. It would make a great first real Bible for any child of adults who use or like the 1995 NASB translation.

I agree with Steadfast that children should be given a complete Bible and not just a Bible storybook. Randy thinks this Bible would be great for some adults as well. We appreciate that neither the cover nor the artwork gives it a childish feel.

Table of Contents


This Bible is available at (includes some affiliate links)




and many local Bible bookstores