The Greek-English Parallel New Testament from Crossway combines the ESV (English Standard Version) 2011 edition and Nestle-Aland 27th edition Greek text in a single parallel volume. It is available for both nook and Kindle. In this review I am using the Kindle edition, although the nook edition is practically identical with the primary difference being nook’s navigation.

Features include:

  • Preface to the ESV
  • Section headings
  • Cross-references
  • Footnotes
  • Paragraph format
  • How-to guide

The layout looks great. First is the verse in Greek and then under the Greek verse is the same verse in English. The English verses have links to references (letters) and footnotes (numbers). Both texts retain formatting, so both texts include paragraph format and centered text for Old Testament quotes. The section headings help readability.

The fonts are crisp and easy to read. I am especially impressed with how nice the Greek text looks. The Greek text even includes the accent marks.

Navigation is simple. The Table of Contents contains links to Articles and Resources, and The New Testament. Each book of the NT has both the Greek and English names for the books. Select the book you want and you’re taken to a screen where you can select the chapter you want. Select the chapter and you’re there. It’s very fast and smooth. You can also go directly to any verse (this requires a menu button). Click Menu, select Index, type the book name (or abbreviation) you want, type the chapter number, a space, the verse number, and press Enter. This also works on Touch editions (just use Go instead of Enter). You can leave off the verse number to go directly to a chapter.

I am very impressed with the look and usability of The Greek-English Parallel New Testament: English Standard Version from Crossway. It’s simple and fast, looks great, and still has the nice features that I like from the regular ESV edition (section headings, cross-references, footnotes, and paragraph format). Highly recommended.


Crossway provided this Bible free for review. I was not required to give a positive review- only an honest review.