The Fresh Look Bible is a set of posters that present each book of the Bible in a panoramic format. It’s available in KJV and formats the text so that every genre stands apart. The text is color-coded so you can quickly see the who, what, when, why, and where of every verse. I looked at the digital panoramas in a previous review. In this review, I’ll look at several printed panoramas, made in the USA.

Fresh Look Bible provided these Bible posters in exchange for an honest review. I was not required to give a positive review, only an honest one. All opinions are my own.


This Bible is available at the publisher’s website 


Table of Contents

  1. Video Review
  2. Posters
  3. Features and Formatting
  4. Overview
  5. Color Code
  6. Hanging the Posters
  7. Conclusion

Video Review

Table of Contents


Each book of the Bible is printed as a separate poster. You can buy them individually to hang in your church, home, school, or business. The size of each one varies because they include the entire Bible book.

They’re printed with latex ink so they won’t fade or scratch. They’re printed on polypropylene paper. It’s highly durable and does not feel like it will tear easily. The polypropylene paper can have a laminated finish or not, and all the options are water-resistant. You can write on the laminated options and erase the writing.

Matte lamination has a silky-smooth feel and has a dull finish that’s great for reading. Gloss lamination is the most erasable, but the glare can be more difficult to read. I like the matte and gloss. The non-laminated option isn’t erasable, but it’s a lot cheaper.

Shipped in Tubes

The posters are shipped in tubes to protect them. The tubes are also very durable and work great for storage. You’ll need to unroll them and let the posters lie open before hanging them.

Table of Contents

Features and Formatting

The posters include the entire Bible with each book presented in multiple columns. Each book includes the title in an ultra-large text at the top, a detailed introduction and symbols used in that book on the far left, and the columns of text starting under the overview.

The text is presented in a single-column, paragraph layout. All the text is formatted according to its literary genre. This includes poetry (marked according to type), letters, decrees, narrative, prophecy, major lists, complex lists, etc. Dialog is set apart from the text. The words of God are in small caps. This layout also improves readability by fixing broken sentences and placing the first word of a verse that continues the previous sentence in lower case. The text is divided into sections with subsections and displayed as a panorama. Letters and decrees are placed within boxes, and nested boxes, so they’re easy to see at a glance.

The font is just over 8-point. You can special order them with larger fonts. Red-letter for the words of Christ is a darker shade than many red-letter Bibles. The text includes different font weights to indicate different things in the text. The text ranges in darkness based on the formatting. All the printing is sharp and consistent. Verse numbers can be difficult to find quickly, but I think they’re darker in the newer printing.

Space is added between lines and paragraphs in order to divide the context. Paragraphs are not indented, but the spacing makes them easy to identify. Numbers are displayed as numerals. Section headings are printed in very large text that’s easy to read when you’re viewing it as a panorama. Most of the columns are tall. The prose has around 14 words per line. All other formats have less. Verse numbers are small and light. They can be a touch difficult to find quickly. Color-coded vertical bars are placed to the left of every column to show the major topics and subtopics. They work like specialized section headings.

Table of Contents


The overview is a book introduction. They include an introduction, outline, color code, and special features. They’re printed in a small box to the left of the book.

Introduction – this is a short description of the book and covers the key points.

Outline – this is a detailed outline with subheadings that create the headings that are placed within the text.

Color Code – this is the key to the color code.

Special Features – this identifies all the special features of the book and shows the symbols used.

Table of Contents

Color Code

Lots of the text is color-coded to identify background details of the names of God, people, places, flora, fauna, amounts, time, and more. They answer Who, What, Where, When, and How Many in the biblical text. This helps to see the context and improves interpretation, which is one of the strengths of the Fresh Look Bible. The colors contrast well, but they don’t stand out so much that they’re difficult to read. They don’t have a bad effect on readability. The introduction to the Bible provides a detailed explanation of the color code and how to use it.

Table of Contents

Hanging the Posters

Hanging the posters was a lot easier than I expected. You’ll just need the right hanging tools. Here are a few options, including a few the publisher recommends:

I used the 3M Command Poster Hanging Strips. They worked great, even on our textured wall. We removed a poster and there was no trace of anything on the wall or the poster. We didn’t reuse the hanging strip because of how it warped when taking the poster down. I can easily recommend the 3M. Before hanging them, lay them out flat for a few days to help keep them from curling.

Table of Contents


The Fresh Look Bible posters provide a beautiful presentation of the KJV. It looks complex, but I find it easy enough to use. The posters range in size. The larger posters can be a touch difficult to use if you don’t have enough space to hang them or handle them. They’re made well and the print and materials are excellent. The special formatting is great for study and reading. The Fresh Look Bible posters are ideal for homes, libraries, schools, offices, and churches.

Table of Contents


This Bible is available at the publisher’s website 



Fresh Look Bible provided this Bible in exchange for an honest review. I was not required to give a positive review, only an honest one. All opinions are my own.