Pulling Back the Shades

Bible Buying Guide has teamed up with Moody Publishers to give away a free copy of Pulling Back the Shades by Dannah Gresh and Dr. Juli Slattery. The book exposes the dangers of books like Fifty Shades of Grey. It is a well written book that uses Scripture as its foundation for spiritual guidance. Each chapter ends with an exercise. Here’s the information from Amazon:

Christian women don’t have to choose between being sexual and spiritual. They have legitimate longings that the Church has been afraid to talk about, and books like Fifty Shades of Grey exploit. Whether you are single or married, sexually dead or just looking to revive your sex life, Pulling Back the Shades will address your desire to be both sexual AND spiritual. With solid Biblical teaching and transparent stories, trusted authors Dannah Gresh and Dr. Juli Slattery, offer an unflinching look at the most personal questions women ask. The book offers practical advice for women to address five core longings:

  • to be cherished by a man
  • to be protected by a strong man
  • to rescue a man
  • to be sexually alive
  • to escape reality

God designed women with these longings and has a plan to satisfy them. It’s time for women to identify their intimate longings and God-honoring ways to fulfill them.


To enter the drawing, respond to this post. At the end of the month I will choose the winner by a random drawing. I will inform you of the winner with another post that will link from this one. I will then need the winner’s address, which I will send to Moody Publishers, who will send the book to the winner.