Easy Bible Marking Guide cover 2

UPDATE – the book is now available at Amazon. Click here to buy: Easy Bible Marking Guide


Coming soon from Bible Buying Guide is Easy Bible Marking Guide for Kindle. Here’s a quick description of the e-book:

Bible marking is an effective inductive Bible study method. Bible marking can be simple or complex. It can be confusing or systematic. It can be haphazard or methodical. To get the most out of Bible marking it is best to be systematic and methodical, but it doesn’t have to be complex. This book will show you how to mark your Bible with a simple, easy to remember method that will help you grow deeper in God’s Word.

Many Christians want to mark in their Bibles but they’re not sure how to mark and what to use. This marking guide will teach you:

  • What marking tools to use for writing in your Bible
  • 6 marking and color-coding methods
  • 8 highlighting methods
  • How to develop your own symbols
  • Bible marking for deeper Bible study

Some of this material was covered in my book How to Choose and Use a Wide-Margin Bible, which specifically covers marking and writing in a wide-margin Bible. This book, Easy Bible Marking Guide, expands on the marking portion of that book, covers Bible marking and highlighting that will work with any type of Bible, and goes into much more detail, and adds lots of new material not found in other books or on my website – Bible Buying Guide. So even if you have How to Choose and Use a Wide-Margin Bible, the information in this book will still be useful to your Bible marking.