UBS NIV Greek English New Testament (1)

The UBS NIV Greek English New Testament from Zondervan Academic combines the 5th edition of the UBS critical text (with full apparatus) and the 2011 edition of the NIV. It provides a hand-sized parallel edition that’s easy to use for students and translators.

The UBS 5 text contains the same Greek text as NA28. The only difference is a few details of punctuation and paragraphing. Spellings have been changed to match the Nestle-Aland 28th edition. It includes variants and adds manuscript evidence for the variants, showing how the variants and their evidence work together.

Papyri 117-127 are also included. This makes over 30 modifications to the text and apparatus units. The book of Acts and Catholic Epistles specifically sees modifications.


This is a hard cover edition bound in a burgundy flexi-cover with gold stamping on the cover and spine. The cover has a grainy texture that looks elegant. It’s a handy size at 7.5 x 5.25 x 1.75. It has an extra-long burgundy ribbon. It’s sewn and lies open anywhere with no issues.

The paper is mid to upper 30’s in gsm and is very opaque. It’s good paper for making notes and highlights. It has white edges.


UBS NIV Greek English New Testament (8)

On the left page is the Greek text with apparatus. The right page contains the NIV text. Both pages correspond to each other, even if it means the NIV text has to end in mid-sentence and leave most of the page blank. This means the bottom of the NIV side has room on almost every page that can be used for notes.

UBS NIV Greek English New Testament (7)

UBS NIV Greek English New Testament (5)

UBS NIV Greek English New Testament (3)

Both are in single-column paragraph format with bold verse numbers. I’m guessing the font to be 10-point. It’s black-letter, and is sharp and dark. The NIV portion has bold section headings. The Greek portion is typeset with a new Greek font that looks nice and is easy to read. The sections headings in the Greek text are in English in a smaller font, and includes references to parallel passages. The Greek shows OT quotes in bold. This is an easy text to navigate.


UBS NIV Greek English New Testament (4)

Footnotes for both texts appear in the footer. On the NIV side, the standard footnotes are included and have information about Old Testament quotes, manuscript variations, alternate renderings, measurements, etc. The Greek text includes references and are completely in Greek. The apparatus also shows textual variants.


UBS NIV Greek English New Testament (2)

In the front it has 64 pages that include:

  • Prefaces to the various UBS editions
  • Introduction to the manuscripts and apparatus
  • Cross-reference system
  • Master list of Symbols and Abbreviations
  • Bibliography
  • Preface to the NIV.

UBS NIV Greek English New Testament (6)

In the back it has 36 pages that include:

  • Table of Weights and Measures
  • Index of Quotations
  • Index of Allusion and Verbal Parallels
  • Principle Manuscripts and Versions Cited in the Textual Apparatus
  • List of Alternative Readings
  • Principle Symbols and Abbreviations

The front material is primarily for understanding how to use the apparatus. The back material is primarily for reference in study. Both sections are helpful in research of the Greek text and add a lot to the study of the text.


Being someone who dabbles in the original languages (I just know enough to be dangerous) I can appreciate how easy this is to use. I especially like having the Greek on one side and the NIV on the other and that they correspond with well-labeled verse numbers.

Of course this isn’t just for anybody. You must be able to read Greek in order to use this parallel New Testament. This isn’t an interlinear edition, so there’s no hand-holding. It’s made for students, translators, or anyone who is interested in reading the UBS 5 Greek with the NIV text in parallel on the opposing page. For that purpose this is a good choice. The construction feels solid. It especially like the paper quality and opacity and that it’s sewn. It’s handy to hold and use and the typeface is highly legible. Those in academics will especially appreciate the UBS NIV Greek English New Testament.



Zondervan Academic provided this Bible free for review. I was not required to give a positive review – only an honest review. My opinions are my own.