The True Account of Adam and Eve is written by Ken Ham, illustrated by Bill Looney, and published by Master Books (a division of New Leaf Publishing). This book shows Adam & Eve as real historical figures and shows how a lot of what’s going on in the world today is a consequence of their actions.

The book retells the story of Adam & Eve using the Bible as the starting point and emphasizing why different aspects of the story are so important. I particularly liked the section where they explained how they come up with the age of the earth and how the earth’s current population is more consistent with 6,000 years instead of 50, 000 or more years since the beginning of mankind.

It looks like a children’s book but doesn’t always read like one. The book says it is “perfect for children and parents to build a biblical foundation”. I think the age this book would be best for is about 9 to 12 years old.  I’m afraid most people any older wouldn’t read it because it looks like a picture book, and most kids that are younger wouldn’t be drawn in enough to sit still and listen  to it.


The artwork is beautifully done. I’m displeased with the content of some of the pictures though. I don’t believe that when God made a coat of skin for Adam he dressed him like a caveman (bare legged, bare armed, and nearly bare chested) or that godly people after Adam dressed that way. I also don’t believe that angels go around half naked.

All in all it is a good book  that does what it set out to, combat  the evolutionary history of mankind with the truth, that could have been better.


Master Books provided this book free for review. I was not required to give a positive review- only an honest review.