Storm Warning by Billy Graham is a well-written overview of the problems of the world today including terrorism, natural disasters, economic crisis, and conflicts that we see in today’s headlines. Graham relates these storms to the Christian life. He tells of the coming apocalypse, giving his insights on the four horsemen from the book of Revelation.

This book is a revision of the original book from 1992. This was an easy book to read. It was interesting and held my attention through each chapter. Graham tells of personal situations and relates them to current and upcoming events.

Graham covers cults and the ways they deceive including spiritual deceptions and the cult of self, giving thoughts and advice on each point. He shows from Scripture the importance of and how to be an over-comer.

My favorite parts of the book are Graham’s treatment of the signs of the times and the coming apocalypse. He treats horseman separately, giving examples of how each will affect the world. He finishes the book with the return of Jesus to Earth, ending the reign of Satan.

I recommend this book. It is insightful on the signs of the times and shows just how close we are to the end. He goes on to show that we can make it through any storm with God on our side.


Thomas Nelson provided this review copy for free. I was not required to give a positive review- only an honest review.


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948138: Storm Warning Storm Warning

By Billy Graham / Thomas Nelson

946417: Storm Warning Storm Warning

By Billy Graham / Thomas Nelson

5732EB: Storm Warning: Whether global recession, terrorist threats, or devastating natural disasters, these ominous shadows must bring us back to the Gospel. - eBook Storm Warning: Whether global recession, terrorist threats, or devastating natural disasters, these ominous shadows must bring us back to the Gospel. – eBook

By Billy Graham / Thomas Nelson

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